Saturday, May 1, 2010


There are many things we do in life
that are fueled by reasons
Work, play, addictions and sometimes even religion.
they pay the bills, make you belong or fulfill a need.
But they will leave you dry at a time when you need deep soul watering.
Reason: they do not nurture your soul
What nurtures your soul, is what i call MUD
It is the earth the creator set aside in you after he breathed life into you.
The raw untouched and perhaps alien part of you that you are yet to familiarize with.
The mud in you, is your ultimate essence.

We are all pieces of mud. Breaking down in time to complete the whole
What will make you at peace with the final inhalation?

whatever you do, you cannot transcend the mud
Do not seek. Simply be.

You need to find the path to breath it and feel it
because one day the whole will inhale you: permanently.
to exhale you...eternally


  1. Very deep. How do you find it though?

  2. Edith, edith, edith.
    I keep gapping everytime i read something new from you.
    I remember most of your previous works: for alms sake was explosive
    You are pure genius.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. @ johhny, find ur inner self. Connect.
    Find a moment of solitude and ask your self all the right questions. U will find answers. Get to know your spirit on a personal level.

  5. Just beautiful. I love the ending. Miss Faalong, I salute! This piece is one of a kind.

  6. :) . U should post out here sometime
