Thursday, December 8, 2011

Sometimes you write a poem and when another person reads it, they immediately get into your mind.
Its a very nice feeling when that happens and you don't need to explain much.

Anyway, today I am sharing a poem very dear to me which I wrote many years ago.
I call it SHADOWS. Which may seem unrelated when you first read it. But don't just read...listen.

I feel your touch in every dawn.

I hear your voice when the wind blows.
And every friday night, just before midnight, my memory plays a rhythm :
a rhythm that lasts and lasts till I beg the stars for a remedy because it leaves me drenched.
But the stars I beg become a slideshow and I see you and I again on a cloud..Only this cloud feels stable.
Like a couch or better still a sittee .
It reminds me of the black leather sittee in ...??!!??
It can barely hold two people.
Two people from different times with different dreams .

I don't know much about desire, But I know about a tickle in my heart,
one that I cannot ignore lest my spirit breaks.
One that's getting my mind in storms and my blood awake.
By a man I have no right to want. 
And I hear whispers of emotions unfettered, reaching to a duplicate..
And I try to ignore this but EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT, JUST BEFORE MIDNIGHT...